Technical Specifications
IC NI-424
• Ion chromatography column
• Ideal for anion non-suppressor methods
• provides simultaneous analysis of fluoride and phosphate ions
This is the guard column for IC NI-424, F6995243.
Product code: F6709616
Product name: IC NI-G
Separation: IC
Functional group: Quaternary ammonium
Gel material: Polyhydroxy-methacrylate
Plates per column: (guard)
Particle size: 5 µm
Pore size: -
Size (ID x length): 4.6 x 10 mm
Housing material: steel
Maximum pressure: -
Usual flow rate: -
Maximum flow rate: -
Temperature range: 20 to 60°C
pH range: 2 to 11
Salt concentration: -
Shipping solvent: 8 mM 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid + 2.8 mM Bis-Tris + 2 mM Phenylboronic acid + 0.005 mM CyDTA aq.
USP: -
IC NI-G | 4.6 x 10 mm guard
More information
Overview about non-suppressor IC columns for anion analysis: