Technical Specifications
ROTEIN LW-803 and LW-403 4D
More and more monoclonal antibodies (mAb) are used for therapeutic drugs. The pore size of the Shodex PROTEIN LW-803 and LW-403 4D is suitable for this analysis.
- Silica-based packed columns for aqueous SEC (GFC) analysis
Pore size specifically controlled for analyzing proteins with a molecular weight of several hundred of thousand
High performance analysis of antibody drugs and various proteins
High lot-to-lot reproducibility
Fulfills USP L20, L33, and L59 requirements
Product code: F6989403
Product name: PROTEIN LW-403 4D
Separation: SEC
Functional group: Hydroxyl
Gel material: Silica
Plates per column: ≥ 11,000
Particle size: 1.9 µm
Pore size: 300 Å (max. 1,000 Å)
Size (ID x length): 4.6 x 150 mm
Housing material: steel
Maximum pressure: 20 MPa (200 bar)
Usual flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Maximum flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
Temperature range: 5 to 45°C
pH range: 3.0 to 7.5
Salt concentration: ≤ 0.3 M
Shipping solvent: H2O
USP: L20, L33, L59
MW range: 10,000 - 700,000
Exclusion limit: (1,000,000)
The suitable guard column is PROTEIN LS-G 4J, F6700134.
PROTEIN LW-403 4D | 4.6 x 150 mm
More information
Overview about full PROTEIN column series: